Saturday, January 8, 2011

Much Time Do Women Spend on Beauty


Much Time Do Women Spend on Beauty - How much time do you usually spend to look good? It is not as hard to calculate it as it may seem. For example, if you daily spend around 30-35 minutes on beauty, then you are spending almost four hours every week! How much time did your mother or grandmothers use to spend on beauty care?
A study was published in Wall Street Journal, which states that modern women progressively spend less time on beauty. For example, in 1965 women used to spend 10.1 hours per week, while modern women spend only 8.2 hours to look good.
So, what has changed over those forty years? Experts note that overall things have stayed the way they used to be. But, the methods and tools have become more effective. This helps women save time, which is so precious those days. Hair dryers dry faster, hair products keep our hair look perfect the whole day, makeup is long-lasting, and day and night creams and serums make masks and compresses less necessary. Moreover, the salon industry obviously exists to help us in this regard as well.

World’s Best and Worst Lovers


World’s Best and Worst Lovers - The worst that women could do is get themselves a lover from Germany, it has been found. The majority of women believe German men to be the most unpleasant bed companions, with English men following closely on the 2nd worst place.
These are the results of a survey conducted by OnePoll, a global research site that got interested in how ladies find gents of different nationalities in terms of their bed prowess. 15,000 women from 20 countries were involved. They were also asked to explain their preferences.
While most of the women polled opted for Spanish men as the best lovers a girl could wish, and praised Brazilians and Italians for their male skills, the way Germans smell was said to interfere seriously with their performance.
Englishmen, who take the last line but one, are supposed to be too lazy to take good care of their woman, and men from Sweden are apt to end the session too early.
OnePoll’s spokesperson referred to the results of the survey as “an eye-opener” and said that women travelers should take them into consideration when choosing a lover.
  1. Germany (should get a new deodorant)
  2. England (should perk up and be more active)
  3. Sweden (should learn to prolong the enjoyment)
  4. Holland (should go easy on domination)
  5. America (should be gentler and softer)
  6. Greece (shouldn’t be so mushy)
  7. Wales (should be more considerate)
  8. Scotland (should be quieter)
  9. Turkey (should keep a towel at the bedside)
  10. Russia (should consider having depilation)
And here come the winners worthy of a lady’s attention. Congratulations, men!
  1. Spain
  2. Brazil
  3. Italy
  4. France
  5. Ireland
  6. South Africa
  7. Australia
  8. New Zealand
  9. Denmark
  10. Canada

10 New Year Women’s Resolutions


10 New Year Women’s Resolutions - All of us make wishes on the New Year’s Eve regardless of whether we believe in it or not. We also usually make New Year’s resolutions by promising to ourselves to change our lives: to quit smoking, start working out, take better care of our parents, etc… Can you guess some popular New Year’s resolutions among women?
  1. Lose Weight
  2. Losing weight takes the first spot on our list. Women around the world are dissatisfied with their weight. American women in particular are not happy with their figures, since over 66% of people in US suffer from obesity! We can only wish you the best in achieving this resolution and hope you will have a realistic goal in mind and will progressively move toward it.
  3. Spend More Time with Family
  4. Modern women across the globe work a lot, and in some cases they work even more intensively then men. Moreover, Internet and other modern hobbies and interests take a lot of our time. Indeed, those days, families are in desperate need of our attention.
  5. Give up Smoking
  6. This is a great resolution. The fact that this resolution is on our top-ten New Year’s resolution list means that modern women smoke a lot. It’s about time we think about it, set goals, and finally do it – quit smoking!
  7. Learn Time Management
  8. How good are you at planning your time and sticking to the plan? A great idea is to start an organizer (paper or electronic). It doesn’t matter what your profession is – you can be a manager, a nanny, or a sales person, because we all have a lot of things to do every day and it is important to plan them ahead of time and know which ones are more urgent and important than others.
  9. Give up Drinking Alcohol
  10. It is hard to realize this resolution during the holidays, but we can start figuring out and planning on how to give up drinking around January 3rd.
  11. Find a New Hobby
  12. Isn’t it refreshing and exciting to learn something new, get new skills, join new clubs and classes? It is a great idea to find time for those activities too.
  13. Help Others
  14. Many of us have this goal in mind, but most of us defer it for later due to the busy and hectic modern lifestyle. Yet, in reality such good deeds as donating blood or helping organizations that help children do not take that much time.
  15. Become More Physically Active
  16. While the most common resolution is weight loss, not all of us associate it with additional physical activity. Many of us rely on diets and dietary supplements. Therefore, sport and fitness arrives only at the spot number eight on our list. Many of us wish to take up working out, so why should something stand in our way?
  17. Start Putting Aside Money
  18. Next resolution is to start putting money aside. We often start saving money to buy something important, but rarely end up saving enough to actually buy it. Maybe this year you will manage to do it!
  19. Find out more about Health
  20. Regular visits to our dentist or gynecologist are very important. We also need to regularly check our blood sugar, blood pressure, and pulse. Overall, we should aim to learn more about our own health.
Are you ready to share your New Year’s resolutions with us? By the way, statistics show that women tend to be more successful at achieving their goals if they share their plans and get support from their friends and acquaintances.

Divorce Risk and Names


Divorce Risk and Names - UK-based Divorce-online had an idea that people’s Christian names can influence the divorce rate – now that the survey they commissioned brought in results, they are sure of this!
Having studied thousands of divorces recently filed all over the UK, researchers found that the names oftenest cited are Mark and Susan.
The possibility of eventual break-ups also seems to hang heavily over the heads of people called David, Michael, Nicola and Caroline.
On the other hand, men who are destined most to enjoy unmarred married bliss are Roy, Theo and Liam; women’s names that get into divorce documents but rarely are Sofia, Shannon and Penelope.
A Mark or a Susan who would like to keep their relationships going strong may try to ask their partners to call them by a nickname or by some other given name – there’s a chance it may ward off the inevitable, but it calls for another study.

Women Fear for Their Partners

Women Fear for Their Partners
Women Fear for Their Partners - A study commissioned by Engage Mutual involving 3,000 women discovered that 80% women are afraid that their partners may be damaging their health on a regular basis. “The majority of women we surveyed had concerns about their partner’s lifestyle,” said the EM spokesman in his comments.
Thousands of wives and girlfriends all over the UK are disquieted over their beloved’s distressing and demanding office work, bad eating habits, lack of exercise and troubled sleep.
37% of the Brit women polled didn’t like their partners’ gaining excessive weight.
33% of them said they were sure their partners were overburdened at work, work being the most prominent factor figuring in women’s fears concerning possible threats to their partners’ health. 10% were sure that bringing work home presents an additional health aggravating factor.
26% thought that their man eats too much unhealthy food and even skips meals (19%). Another 19% named intake of alcohol as the cause of their worrying.
23% believe that men don’t get enough sleep and keep ignoring the problem.
While 20% are displeased with the coach potato lifestyle in their partners, even more of them (31%) would like their men to get a good deal more exercise.
Neglect of hereditary or current health problems and unwillingness to consult a doctor about their illnesses are other points that make women anxious over their partner’s well-being.

Partner’s Snoring and Sleep Deprivation


Partner’s Snoring and Sleep Deprivation - Sharing a bed with a partner who tosses, fidgets and snores during the night makes one’s sweet sleep shorter by as much as 730 hours a year, a study commissioned by Lovetub informs us.
The partner of a man or woman who is in the habit of snoring and grunting in their sleep has to stay awake for the average time of two hours per night.
This loss comes up to 730 hours a year and 35,770 hours during the adult life span – meaning we lose out on nearly three and half years of shuteye.
It emerges from the 3,000 people poll that women’s sleep is oftenest disrupted by men’s snoring, whereas what ails men most is women’s tossing about the bed.
40% of the couples polled complained that their partner always tries to take over the whole bed, while 30% spoke of incessant struggles over the possession of the duvet.
Yet practically all of them are ready to put up with troubled sleep in order to maintain proper sex life which is strongly associated with sharing a bed.
The comment from Lovetub accentuated that sleeping in the same bed “isn’t all it’s cracked up to be” because sleeping together and sharing “those intimate moments” make up for the discomfort amply.

Language Learning Prolongs Youthfulness


Language Learning Prolongs Youthfulness - American scientists after their research have concluded that the knowledge of foreign languages prolongs youthfulness, the Science journal writes.
Curiously, this finding primarily concerns women. It turns out that if a woman knows at least two foreign languages, this helps her to longer preserve a clear mind and good memory to old age.
The research authors attribute this to the fact that women’s (polyglots’) brains are exposed to greater stress and consequently have an increased efficiency. In addition, the experts found that women who speak several languages can successfully carry out several things at once: for example, drive a car and talk on a cell phone.
As a primary illustration of their study, the researchers cited the example of residents of one of the districts of New Guinea, who have many foreign languages – from five to fifteen – their brain performance in old age on average corresponds to that of 30-35 year olds – the Science journal wrote.

Food Packages are Dangerous to Health


Food Packages are Dangerous to Health -  Researchers from the University of Toronto have discovered that food packages are the main source of a number of harmful chemical compounds such as toxic endocrine destructors and perfluorocarbon carboxylic acids.
Paper packets for sandwiches and french fries, foil for chips and other kinds of food packages contain a lot of chemicals that can cause health problems. Moreover, harmful substances are contained in many cloths such as bedding materials and carpets. Harmful chemicals were found in toys, utensils, powders and cosmetics. Toxic substances contaminate human blood and interfere with the work of his endocrine system, causing hormonal disruptions.
During the experiments, the researchers observed rodents that were exposed to substances present in food packages. The results showed that these compounds accumulate in the body and are not eliminated from it. The researchers caution: these chemicals can lead to problems such as deterioration of the immune system, increasing cholesterol levels, as well as causing failures in the thyroid gland. Unfortunately, it is yet unknown how to guard against this.

Pet Rabbits Beneficial to Woman’s Health


Pet Rabbits Beneficial to Woman’s Health - The trend of having rabbits as pets has been popular for quite a while now. Yet, only recently have specialists managed to prove that those animals are not just pretty but also good for our health. Now, the relatively new technique of having cells with bunnies present during consultation sessions with psychologists and psychotherapy is becoming increasingly popular.
The new study was conducted by a team of specialists from the University of Missouri and was led by Professor Rebecca Johnson. The results of the study show that even mere presence of bunnies gives women sense of calmness and tranquility. Furthermore, the scientists observed decrease in the level of stress hormone cortisol in the women’s bodies after they petted those fluffy animals for a few minutes.
Dr. Johnson notes that presence of a bunny in a household and the process of taking care of it facilitate social bonding, teach women and girls how to better understand themselves and others, and how to communicate with other people more effectively. In particular, women who had rabbits also had better control of their emotions and behavior. Bunnies used as part of therapy also facilitate healing of serious illnesses in children and adolescents, such as autism or depression, and help them cope with lack of confidence.
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Depression Treatment Method


Depression Treatment Method - According to scientists from Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, meditation of the blue light will help get rid of the many manifestations of the autumn blues – drowsiness, excessive appetite and a low tone.
The researchers showed that under the action of the blue part of the visible spectrum, the receptors of the eyes regulate the alternation of sleep and wakefulness, activity of thinking processes and the mood.
In addition, the blue light reduces the production of melanin (sleep hormone) and stimulates the body’s biorhythms to work in active mode, without falling into hibernation. Depression Treatment
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