Saturday, January 7, 2012

What Are Some Nutritional Facts on Cheddar Cheese?

Have you ever wondered what exactly cheddar cheese does to your body? Well, if you turn the package over, you can check it out in that little black and white block labeled "Nutritional Facts".


Let's check out what exactly is in cheddar. For the sake of consistency, we will use 1 cup or about 132 grams as the constant amount. In one cup of cheddar, there are 532 calories. If you look farther, you will see that 385 of these calories are calories from fat. That is well over half of the calories, and they are from fat.


For every 8 ounces of cheddar cheese, there are about 44 grams of fat. That is over 1.5 ounces of fat. Out of these 44 grams of fat, 28 grams are saturated fat. That is an ounce of saturated fat per cup of cheddar cheese.


Since America has a very high rate of obesity and heart disease compared to other countries, many have started watching their health. One of the main concerns is cholesterol since too much of it is never good for you. There are 139 milligrams of cholesterol in 8 ounces of cheddar, which is about 46% of your recommended daily value of cholesterol.


Another recent concern among Americans is sodium. Everyone should watch their sodium intake, since too much of it can lead to high blood pressure. When you look at a cup of cheddar cheese, you will find about 820 milligrams of sodium. 820 milligrams is about 34% of your daily recommended value of sodium.


The average cup of cheddar also has around 2 grams of carbohydrates, one gram of sugar, and absolutely no dietary fiber. There are however 33 grams of protein in a cup of cheddar. We need protein to keep us going and get us through the day. We would not be able to survive without it.

Vitamins and Minerals

Now, let's explore vitamins and minerals. A cup of cheddar cheese has 26% of your recommended daily value of Vitamin A and 5% of your recommended daily value of Iron. It doesn't have any Vitamin C. But, on the bright side, 8 ounces of cheddar gives you 95% of your daily recommended value of Calcium. We could all use some more calcium. It helps us keep our bones and teeth stronger as we age. We need calcium to survive. So, don't skimp on the cheddar

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