Saturday, December 31, 2011

Nutrition Facts - The Top 5 Healthy Eating Facts You Should Know

1. Pay attention to what and how much you are eating. Many people eat while watching TV or driving and don't focus on what they put in their mouths. By focusing your attention on your food you'll be more aware of tastes, textures and smells and you'll enjoy it more. You'll also be able to choose healthy food options such as lean meats, fruits, vegetables and whole-grains over high calorie low nutrition snack foods when you choose what to eat.

2. Knowing when to stop eating only happens when you pay attention (see tip 1
). If you listen to your body you will be able to tell when you are full and have had enough. That way you can stop before you get to the overly 'stuffed' feeling. Your body really is the best indicator of what you need so listening to it will tell you when to eat and when to stop.

3. Skipping meals is what many people first do when deciding to go on a diet but it can actually be one of the worst ways to lose weight as by missing a meal your body goes into starvation mode and holds onto every calorie you eat making it even more difficult to lose weight. By eating regularly and often you can stay healthy and still lose weight.

4. Our bodies need water to stay hydrated and running optimally. Every organ in your body needs water to run efficiently. Drinking at least five glasses a day or more is recommended to avoid dehydration and stay healthy. One of the most common complications of dehydration is kidney failure. Fortunately it is often reversible just by drinking enough fluids.

5. You probably already know that you should avoid junk food, but how often do you tell yourself 'just this once'? Most fast food restaurants are now offering healthier alternatives so if you need a quick bite and just can't wait, avoid the high fat or fried options and choose from the healthy side of the menu.

By avoiding high fat foods and sticking to healthy options you'll be able to provide your body with all the nutrition it needs to stay healthy

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